Red Balloon Poem

Red Balloon

Once upon a time, a boy sat by a window,
And saw a big red balloon fly like a hero.
It was up high, above trees so tall,
And the boy watched it float, feeling small.

The balloon danced in the breeze like a pretty kite,
And the boy wished he could fly, oh what a sight!
He thought of all the places he could go,
If he too could fly, like the big red show.

He sat and watched until the sun set,
And the balloon floated away; he couldn’t forget.
He felt happy and light, like a bird in the sky,
And dreamed of his own adventures, oh my!

So if you see a big red balloon someday,
Just think of the boy, who watched it all day.
He dreamed of adventures, like you and me,
And maybe one day, he, too will be free!

-Oyani Onimiya

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