In celebration of International Women’s Day this year, I would like to focus on the word Shero which is defined as a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. There are many Sheroes in the world and we all have different ways of making our impact. Some of us are loud, some of us are quiet, but we all have one thing in common: We refuse to let someone else determine our destiny.
For me, being a Shero means changing the world in our own way. It means using our unique talents and abilities to make a difference in the lives of others. It means standing up for what I believe in and fighting for the things that matter to me. And it means doing all of this while staying true to myself. As women, we love to look at other women we see in the media or read about in print and admire qualities we see as far-reaching or unattainable. We set the bar high for ourselves and sometimes, in doing so, we miss out on acknowledging our own accomplishments or what makes us special
This year, I would like to challenge myself and all women reading this to take a step back and really look at ourselves through our own eyes. Not through the lens of society or social media based on the idealized image and glowing words colouring achievement. Let us break through the barriers we set and celebrate being exactly who we are, right now.
I am a work in progress and I am still striving to better myself every day but that doesn’t mean I don’t deserve my own recognition. We all get caught up in this idea of perfectionism but it is time for self-love. As we are all creative, innovative, and powerful forces for change breaking the bias one step at a time.
I am a Shero. I walk my own path in life, blazing my own trail.
I don’t do things the way everyone else does them- I do them my way.
My way is often unconventional, and sometimes it’s downright weird, but it works for me.
It’s about being brave recognizing my faults, working on them and standing up for what I believe in, even if others don’t agree with me.
It’s about using my voice to make a difference and helping others do the same.
I don’t always fit into society’s molds and there is no one like me in this world
I march to the beat of my own drum and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I am a Shero and I love myself just the way I am.