Games we play

Games we play

First roll dice

🎲 If the dice shows one, you had to freeze

🎲 if the dice shows two, you take two steps

🎲if the dice shows three, you get a chance to defend yourself with your weapon

🎲 if the dice shows four, you get to move four steps

🎲 if the dice shows five, you had to freeze

🎲 If the dice shows six, you collapsed into hot lava

Played with a huge foam dice, “Hot Lava Freeze Tag” is a new go-to inside activity created thanks to the coronavirus pandemic lockdown. The essence of childhood is creativity, and the pandemic provided numerous opportunities for children to explore new ways to be ingenious. Give a kid a box and watch them play for hours. With restrictions placed on all outdoor activities, I think many parents over the lockdown had to find new ways to keep their kids entertained as they juggled working from home and parenting. 

Some time ago, I read that fewer toys help kids become more resourceful and provide an avenue for kids to tap into the right side of their brains. I find it fascinating that my boys could find any object and suddenly begin a series of play using their imagination. I watched them improve their thinking and learn valuable lessons as they interacted with games indoors. While the novelty of toys, old or new, wore off fast enough, games could hold their attention for more extended periods.

If you need to fall into a fit of giggles, take a seat and observe my boys and me and the games we play. Games are an underrated pleasure. It allows kids to find joy in new things and communicate better socially. It teaches kids to work together and learn the art of winning and losing. Outside of the toy stores, I believe in giving kids experiences to create their personalized brand fun and absorb their environment. Recent research and parenting books show that more toys make kids bored, so I think it’s time to try something different. 

While we all want to be optimistic about our timeline for the pandemic end, the possibility of outdoor limitations continues to loom.  Games with kids are uncomplicated all you need is to make up the rules as you go and let your kid lead. Turn your home into a pirate ship or the jungle and enjoy hours of fun. Put down your phone for a few hours and enjoy unbridled play with your kids. You might be surprised by how funny and wild your kids genuinely are.

Photo by Jonathan Petersson

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